Friday, February 5, 2010

So keeping with the flow.

So lately I've been hearing lots of new catchy or, "in" things. haha. I'm so out. Well I've been seeing the word "FormSpring" everywhere nowadays. It makes me wonder, what is formspring? I decided to take a look to see it's a pretty question and answer blog ish thing : D So out of my own curiosity, I decided to make one for no absolute reason. Well maybe one reason is to know what people really think of me as. Well, if you want to express yourself, good or bad, the link is in the right of this post, or so I think. Well don't worry, if you ask something bad like I'm a loser or something, I don't care. I learned now, that, words and names do not hurt me. Well until they actually come from a person I care about ._. :D Well, doesn't matter. Well take a visit at my formspring and leave me some questions?

So well as you know, Valentines Day is coming up and I want to do something special for Shirleen. So right now, I'm secretly planning, or maybe not so secretly planning anymore in case she reads this, for a duet. The song will be the first song in my playlist. However, I'm still not sure whether it will be English or Chinese. I'm leaning more on the English though; Chinese is way too hard for me. I just find it so haaaaard to read and pronounce it haha. SO lately I've asked her to send a recording of her singing the first part of Forever you and I, which is the English version of the Bu de bu ai. I've found out she sings really good! Without a music background, which is a big shocker. I've been the singer who follows backgrounds and sways with the music. Which then, makes me figure out this, if you take away my music in the recording while I'm still listening while singing, I sound so much more horrible. Excuse my bad grammar, haha. It is around 11:30 at night and my brain has shut off due to no school for like a day or two. haha.
I've lately see that I have a passion but no talent for singing. You should give me tips for singing. It would "definito"ly be appreciated. Thankies- My regards- DangDuy

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