Friday, January 29, 2010

As I continue to write

this montonous scribbles, I being to ponder life.

I feel tis my duty to start writing and releasing my inner thoughts to this site. Life has been oh so complicated. Being lazy does not really help, does it? I wonder why I stopped posting. Was it just me being tired of it or just the time of boredom striking? Oh, it doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm just moving with this digital feather pen. :p This is a new year, a fairly late time to say that. I'm around 29 days late? Maybe? But still. With this new year, I will declare this will be a new start. ( Is that why I deleted everything? )
Today has been-, no this month has been fairly entertaining. So many things have occured. So many exciting things, with the discovery of sweet songs make me happy. "My babe I love you so much, forever you and I."
At the start of this year, I learned to ameliorate my smile. I feel so happy. With gleeming teeth I will always feel happy. "Bu de bu ai, I love you so."
Oh I miss some things. Those old cartoons amuse me do you not think? I miss them so. Tom and Jerry was always a particular fun. It reminded me that some kinds of chaos is always possible :D Powerpuff girls was a definite miss. With their rainbow trails they leave when they fly. I always wanted to fly : D I miss my pokemon. The old ones were the BOMB. Now, it's just kinda sad. ;-; I remember playing those old gameboy color ones, they were oodles of excitement. Or maybe Yugioh :3 with those fun card games. Oh I want to play it now~
"Don't you don't you ever hurt me, hurt this heart of mine."

I wish I can think of something better next time. I just felt it was my duty to do this.

With this hand of happy hearts, will you start again?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Oh shoot, I forgot
Okay now I have to postpone this until I have some spare time.
I need to put this on my to do list ~
[ under construction ]

Sunday, January 24, 2010

New fresh "fayce"

So, my blog, has been dead lately.
I decided to renew this blog, and refresh every single thing on this blog :D
I have deleted every single post on this blog, and have decided to start new. My first official post will start tomorrow!
I beg of this to happen.